Research Article

Reconstruction of Generative Adversarial Networks in Cross Modal Image Generation with Canonical Polyadic Decomposition

Algorithm 1

Overall scheme of compact architecture training algorithm.
Input: mini-batch images , matching text , mismatching text , number of training batch steps
Output: a compact architecture for text-to-image GAN
1: Obtain three small layers as using Equation (5),(6),(7) to decompose original convolutional layer;
2: Adopt autoencoder to pre-train model layer by layer;
3: Select an appropriate learning rate for the decomposed model;
4: fortodo
5: Encode matching text description and mismatching text description to description embedding ;
6: Draw sample of random noise ;
7: Concatenate to description embedding ;
8: Feed forward through generator and generate samples of {real image, right text}, {real image, wrong text} and {fake image, right text};
9: Update discriminator D using Adam;
10: Update generator G using Adam;
11: end for