Research Article

DIAMOND: A Structured Coevolution Feature Optimization Method for LDDoS Detection in SDN-IoT

Table 2

The flow features.


Band_ratioThe bandwidth ratio occupied by the flow
Byte_asymThe convective byte asymmetry rate of a flow
Byte_countThe total number of bytes in the flow
Byte_rateThe byte growth rate of a flow
Byte_pktThe average number of bytes of a packet in a flow
DurationThe duration of flow
eth_typeThe Ethernet type of the flow
dst_host_srv_diff_host_ratioThe percentage of connections with different source hosts in the same service and the same target host
src_byte_ratioThe percentage of the number of bytes transferred by the current connection in that of bytes transferred by the same source host connection
srv_diff_host_ratioThe percentage of connection number of different target hosts in that of the same service
Byte_asym_interThe convective byte asymmetry rate in the cycle
InputThe entering port
dst_ipThe serial number of destination IP
src_ipThe serial number of source IP
pkt_count_interThe total number of packets of flow in the cycle
OutputThe forwarding port
Packet_countThe total number of packets in the flow
pkt_asymThe convective packet asymmetry rate
Packet_rateThe packet growth rate
PriorityThe flow priority
Same_dst_countThe total number of same destination IP connections
src_pkt_ratioThe percentage of the number packets in packets of same source host connection
Same_src_countThe total number of same source IP connections
pkt_asym_interThe convective packet asymmetry rate in the cycle
Same_srv_ratioThe percentage of connections that have the same target hosts and the same services as the current connection
byt_count_interThe total number of bytes in the flow in the cycle
diff_srv_ratioThe percentage that connects different services in which is the connection of the same target hosts
Byte_pkt_interThe average number of bytes of a packet in the cycle
Byte_rate_interThe growth rate of the byte in the cycle
pkt_rate_interThe growth rate of the packet in the cycle
src_port_countThe total number of same source port connections
dst_port_countThe total number of same destination port connections
ip_protoThe protocol type
tcp_srcThe serial number of source TCP
tcp_dstThe serial number of destination TCP
udp_srcThe serial number of source UDP
udp_dstThe serial number of destination UDP