Research Article

A Mobility-Aware and Sociality-Associate Computation Offloading Strategy for IoT

Algorithm 1

AP-based mobility-aware and sociality-associate clustering algorithm (AP-MASACA).
  •The user set and edge servers set ;
  •The positions of edge servers ;
  •History connection relationship between and ;
  •: the partition of all nodes into clusters;
  •: the set of cluster centers;
 2:  Initialize and ;
 3:  for Each do
 4:   Time Update according to (19);
 5:   Measurement Update according to (20);
 6:  end for
 7:  Output mobility prediction results:
 8:  .
 9: end function
 11:  Build matrix and ;
 12:  Calculate , , then compute according to (22);
 13:  Calculate , , then compute according to (23);
 14:  Output and .
 15: end
 16: function APCLUSTERING,,,
 17:  Calculate the distances based on (24);
 18:  Calculate the similarities based on (25);
 19:  Initialize to be zero;
 20:  Initialize according to the type of nodes;
 21:  Update the responsibility based on (26);
 22:  Update the availability based on (27);
 23:  ;
 24:  Calculate ;
 25:  ;
 26:  Output and
 27: end function