Research Article

ALBLP: Adaptive Load-Balancing Architecture Based on Link-State Prediction in Software-Defined Networking

Algorithm 1

LSTM training algorithm.
 Link residual bandwidth matrix sequence ;
 The input time series length and the output time series length ;
 Training batch size batch_size and training times epochs;
 model parameters after training;
(01)for i = 1 to do
(03)   ;
(04)   Data_train add;
(05)  end for
(06)  Initialize model net;
(07)  repeat
(08)   Take out Data_train from Data_batch, the size is batch_size;
(09)   Out=net(Data_batch);
(10)   Loss=MSEloss(Out,);
(11)   Back propagation to update model parameters;
(12)   epochs=epochs − 1;
(13)  until epochs = 0