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Top Special Issues in BioSciences 2021

Authors | Science | Researchers
Top Special Issues in BioSciences

A collection of some of the most impactful Special Issues in Biosciences from 2021.

A Special Issue is a collection of articles that concentrates on a topical research area within the scope of a journal. These Issues provide a venue for research on emerging areas, highlight important subdisciplines, or describe new cross-disciplinary applications.

Last year, we successfully launched over 70 Special Issues across our portfolio of BioScience journals.

Keep up to date with some of the hot topics this year with a selection of the most impactful Special Issues from 2021.

Magnetomotive Photoacoustic in Biomedical Applications in Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
The focus of this Special Issue is on the current and novel pre-clinical and clinical biomedical applications of PAI.

Effect of Neuropeptides on Neuropsychiatric and Neurological Disorders in Disease Markers
Articles focused on recent advances in the physiological modulatory effect of neuropeptides in the CNS and highlights the therapeutic potential of different neuropeptides on neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders.

Body Fluid Biomarkers in Chronic Diseases in Disease Markers
Featuring original research and review articles relating to the application of body fluid analysis to chronic diseases as well as cutting-edge reviews relevant to this topic.

Cancer Immunotherapy: from Basic Research to Clinical Translations in Journal of Immunology Research
Highlights recent advances in cancer immunity and immunotherapy that hold clinical implications.

Stem Cell-Derived Organoids in Stem Cells International
Original research and review articles dealing with stem cells, organoids generation, and applications to biomedical study.

If you are looking to publish your work and contribute to networking and discussions about topics of high interest within your research area, evidence suggests that articles published in Special Issues get more visibility and dissemination.

Learn more about our Special Issues >> 

This blog post is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). Illustration by David Jury.

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