Research Article

Kidney Autotransplantation and Orthotopic Kidney Transplantation: Two Different Approaches for Complex Cases

Table 4

Early and late postoperative complications of OKT.


Early postoperative complications (≤30 days)14 (66.67%)

Surgical complications
(i) Arterial thrombosis that required transplantectomy, n (%)2
(ii) Hypoperfusion that required transplantectomy, n (%)1
(iii) Bleeding, n (%)1
(iv) Acute urinary retention after urinary catheter removal, n (%)2
(v) Perigraft fluid collection, n (%)1
(vi) Urinary leak, n (%)1
(vii) Surgical site infection, n (%)1

Medical complications
(i) Decompensated heart failure, n (%)1
(ii) Gastrointestinal bleeding, n (%)1
(iii) Febrile urinary tract infection, n (%)1
(iv) Respiratory septic shock (ventilator-associated pneumonia), n (%)1
(v) acute rejection, n (%)1

Early postoperative complications (≤30 days) according to Clavien-Dindo classification
26 (28.57%)
3a2 (9.52%)
3b5 (23.81%)
51 (4.76%)

Hospital stay, mean (SD)14.36 (7.08)
Time to double J removal, days, mean (SD)25.85 (14.68)
Late postoperative complications (>30 days)6 (28.57%)

Surgical complications
(i) Obstructive lymphocele, n (%)1
(ii) Pancreatic fistula, n (%)1

Medical complications
(i) Septic shock secondary to pyelonephritis, n (%)1
(ii) Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea, n (%)1
(iii) Urinary tract infection, n (%)1
(iv) Graft rejection, n (%)1

Late postoperative complications (>30 days) according to Clavien-Dindo classification
23 (13.21%)
3a1 (4.76%)
3b1 (4.76%)
51 (4.76%)