Research Article

Dermoscopic Features of Psoriatic Nails and Their Correlation to Disease Severity

Table 2

Analysis of the dermoscopic features in the psoriasis cases.

Dermoscopic featureStudy cases (nā€‰=ā€‰50)

Pitting43 (86%)
Onycholysis41 (82%)
Longitudinal striations32 (64%)
Prominent capillaries at onychodermal band28 (56%)
Splinter hemorrhage26 (52%)
Salmon patch23 (46%)
Subungual hyperkeratosis23 (46%)
Leukonychia13 (26%)
Beaus lines12 (24%)
Spotted lunula5 (10%)
Crumbling5 (10%)
Onychomadesis3 (6%)
Melanonychia2 (4%)
Transverse striations1 (2%)

Categorical data are expressed as number (%).