Research Article

Dermoscopic Features of Psoriatic Nails and Their Correlation to Disease Severity

Table 4

Comparison of nail dermoscopic features with similar studies on nail changes in psoriasis.

Nail featuresBindagi et al. [8]Wanniang et al. [4]Polat et al. [2]Yadav and Khopkar [9]Our study
Sample size: 60Sample size: 50Sample size: 40Sample size: 68Sample size: 50

Nail matrix changes
Crumbling of nails5553.33141617.52010
Red spots in lunula2030085510

Nail bed changes
Subungual HK8176.6740463532.546
Splinter Hgs3061.678627580552
Salmon patch18.3323.33324442.547.5246

Subungual HK: subungual hyperkeratosis; splinter Hgs: splinter hemorrhages.