Research Article

Assessment of Knowledge about First Aid Methods, Diagnosis, and Management of Snakebite among Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Study from Palestine

Table 11

Association between nursing students’ demographic characteristics and laboratory investigations score.

CharacteristicMedian a[Q1-Q3] value

 Male7 [4–10]0.166b
 Female6 [3.25–9]

 City6 [3–9]0.294c
 Village6.5 [4–10]
 Palestinian refugee camp6 [4–10]

Year of study
 Third year6 [4–9]0.234c
 Fourth year6 [4–10]

aKnowledge score of laboratory investigations was a range within 0–10; a high score reflects more knowledge about laboratory investigations. bThe Mann–Whitney U test was used for statistical tests. cThe Kruskal–Wallis test was used for statistical tests.