Research Article

Prehospital Factors Associated with Refractory Traumatic Arrest

Table 2

Multivariate analysis of prehospital factors related to ER death from traumatic arrest.

Predictors of ER deathOdds ratio95% CIP value

Age (years)0.9760.950–1.0030.085
Male gender1.7440.638–4.7690.278
Bystander CPR1.3960.489–3.9800.533
EMS CPR0.2840.023–3.4820.325
Blunt injury10.0650.501–202.0790.131
Supraglottic airway0.8610.326–2.2740.763
Need of defibrillation0.3450.061–1.9430.228
Fluid resuscitation0.4870.159–1.4880.207
ROSC on prehospital phase0.1000.012–0.8390.034
Duration of transfer by EMS (min)0.9740.920–1.0310.371

ER, emergency room; CI, confidence interval; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; EMS, emergency medical service; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation.