Review Article

Increasing the Bioavailability of Phosphate by Using Microorganisms

Table 1

Functions of Phosphorous in biomass.

Functions of P in all living organismsFunctions of P in plantsFunctions of P in animals

Energy metabolism and transmission [2, 3, 12]Photosynthesis [2, 3]Bone formation, eggshell formation, proper function of muscles [13]
Protein and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) synthesis [1, 12, 14]Nitrogen fixation [15, 16]Nerve function associated with signal transduction [7, 13, 16]
Being key component of enzymes, coenzymes, and phospholipids [14, 17]Improving the quality of crops [15, 18]ā€‰
Cell division [3]Creating the resistant for diseases [7, 19],
development of roots [4, 19],
strengthening the stems and stalks [8, 17],
formation of flowers and seeds [14, 17],
transformation of sugar to starch [14],
laying down the primordia of plant reproductive parts during the early phases of plant development [17, 18],
proper stress mitigation and plant maturation [1, 14]