Research Article

Effects of Different Soilless Growing Media on the Growth and Development of Tobacco Seedlings

Table 3

The effect of soilless growing media on stem height and thickness of tobacco seedlings.

TreatmentsStem height (cm)Stem thickness (cm)

100% pine bark13.3de0.39bc
50% cattle manure + 50% sand6.2b0.46cd
100% coal rubbles8.87c0.32a
100% compost manure17.07g0.41cd
50% pine bark + 50% sand12.83d0.33ab
100% cattle manure4.2a0.64e
75% coal rubbles + 25% sand8.33c0.29a
75% cattle manure + 25% sand4.63a0.48d
50% compost manure + 50% sand14.43ef0.42cd
75% compost manure + 25% sand15.5f0.42cd

Least significant difference (LSD) tests at the 5% level of significance. See 2.4 data collection and data analysis.