Research Article

Effect of Quizalofop-p-ethyl + Bentazone and Pendimethalin Herbicides on Weeds, Yield Components, and Yield of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) in Guragie Zone, South Central Ethiopia

Table 3

Interaction effect of location and weeding methods on weed density (m−2) at harvest of mung bean in 2022 main cropping season.

Weeding methodsLocation

Stomp 500 EC at 3.0 L·ha−180.17c80.25c
Q-zone 300 EC at 1 L·ha−153.41d67.05d
Weed-free check0.00e0e
Weedy check251.08a208.2b
LSD (0.05) LXT10.74
CV (%)4.69

LSD = least significant difference; CV = coefficient of variation; means in the same columns and rows followed by the same letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance.