Research Article

A Deep-Learning Approach to a Volumetric Radio Environment Map Construction for UAV-Assisted Networks

Table 1

3D-GAN model parameters for volumetric REM construction.

Model parametersValues

Basic building layers (BL)3D-Conv. Transposed 3D-Conv. CNN
3D-Conv. Transposed 3D-Conv.
3D max-pooling (2)3D-stride (2)

Layers4 BL-encTransposed 3D-Conv. + 4 BL-dec6

Input resolution (pixel size of the image)(128, 128, 128, 1) + (128, 128, 128, 1)(128, 128, 128, 1) + (128, 128, 128, 1)

Filters(10, 10) (512) (512, 512) 64 128
(64, 64) (512, 512) (256, 256) 256 512
(128, 128) (128, 128) (64, 64) 512 1
(256, 256) (32, 32) 1
(512, 512)

Kernel size444

ActivationLeakyReLU (alpha = 0.2)LeakyReLU (alpha = 0.2)LeakyReLU (alpha = 0.2), sigmoid (output later)