Research Article

Surface Roughness Evaluation of Resin Composites after Finishing and Polishing Using 3D-Profilometry

Table 3

Mean (±s.d.) surface roughness (Sa in μm) of the tested composites with both finishing and polishing systems.

F/P system composite resinE/PSFDΔSa (95% CI)p

Zirconfill®0.126 ± 0.020a0.209 ± 0.029a0.083 (0.055–0.111)<0.001
Filtek™ Supreme XTE0.082 ± 0.057b0.187 ± 0.060a,b0.104 (0.045–0.164)0.002
Brilliant EverGlow™0.049 ± 0.019b0.086 ± 0.021c0.036 (0.017–0.056)0.001
Ceram.X® Duo0.077 ± 0.016b0.121 ± 0.033c,d0.044 (0.017–0.070)0.003
Harmonize™0.070 ± 0.013b0.144 ± 0.040b,d0.074 (0.046–0.103)<0.001

One-way Welch ANOVA. Within columns, similar superscript letters indicate groups that do not present statistically significant differences ().