Research Article

The Effect of Feeding Laying Hens with Nonindustrial Hemp Seed on the Fatty Acid Profile, Cholesterol Level, and Tocopherol Composition of Egg Yolk

Figure 2

Projection of the variables of the four studied groups in the plane defined by two principal components. C-D28: control day 28; C-D56: control day 56; C-D84: control day 84; HS-10%-D28: hemp seed 10% day 28; HS-10%-D56: hemp seed 10% day 56; HS-10%-D84: hemp seed 10% day 84; HS-20%-D28: hemp seed 20% day 28; HS-20%-D56: hemp seed 20% day 56; HS-20%-D84: hemp seed 20% day 84; HS-30%-D28: hemp seed 30% day 28; HS-30%-D56: hemp seed 30% day 56; HS-30%-D84: hemp seed 30% day 84.