Research Article

The Effect of Feeding Laying Hens with Nonindustrial Hemp Seed on the Fatty Acid Profile, Cholesterol Level, and Tocopherol Composition of Egg Yolk

Table 4

Analysis of variance for the effect of Moroccan nonindustrial hemp seed incorporation in the diet of laying hens on fatty acid profile during the experimental period.

dfMean squares-value value

 Dose × period60.97530.411<0.001
 Dose × period625.279158.992<0.001
C18:2n-6 (LA)
 Dose × period639.113356.585<0.001
C18:3n6 (GLA)
 Dose × period60.0012.311<0.050
C18:3n3 (ALA)
 Dose × period61.33489.333<0.001
C20:4n-6 (ARA)
 Dose × period60.09911.979<0.001
20:5n-3 (EPA)
 Dose × period60.0006.395<0.001
22:6n-3 (DHA)
 Dose × period60.1868.921<0.001

df: degree of freedom.