Research Article

Comparative Analysis of Fatty Acid Desaturases in Cyanobacterial Genomes

Figure 2

Comparison of the three conserved histidine-rich motifs of proteins from cyanobacteria, eukaryotic algae, and higher plants, including Δ12 fatty acid desaturase, Δ15 fatty acid desaturase, β-carotene ketolase, β-carotene hydroxylase, hydrocarbon oxygenase, Δ12 fatty acid epoxygenase, Δ12 fatty acid acetylenase, Δ12 fatty acid conjugase, and Δ12 fatty acid hydroxylase. The conserved amino acid residues are in black. “Microsomal” represents the microsome-type desaturases, “Chloroplast” represents the chloroplast-type desaturases.