Research Article

Transmembrane and Ubiquitin-Like Domain-Containing 1 Promotes Glioma Growth and Indicates Unfavorable Prognosis

Figure 1

TMUB1 mRNA levels in glioma subtypes. (a) Comparative analysis illustrates a significant upregulation of TMUB1 mRNA levels in glioma tissues compared to normal brain tissues, indicating its potential involvement in glioma pathogenesis. (b) TMUB1 expression is markedly higher in glioma tissues lacking 1p/19q codeletion than in those with the codeletion, suggesting a potential association between TMUB1 levels and molecular subtypes of glioma. (c) Glioma patients aged over 60 exhibit a notable increase in TMUB1 expression in their tumor tissues, highlighting a potential age-related impact on TMUB1 expression. (d) TMUB1 demonstrates significantly higher expression in glioblastoma tissues compared to astrocytoma, oligoastrocytoma, and oligodendroglioma, indicating its potential relevance in the aggressiveness of glioma. (e) TMUB1 levels are significantly elevated in gliomas with higher World Health Organization (WHO) grades, suggesting its potential as a biomarker for glioma grading. (f) Glioma tissues with wild-type IDH1/2 status exhibit considerably higher TMUB1 expression compared to those with mutated IDH1/2, revealing a potential genetic association. (g) TMUB1 expression is notably higher in glioma patients who experienced mortality during the follow-up period, indicating its potential prognostic value. (h) Similarly, higher TMUB1 levels are observed in glioma patients who succumbed to disease-specific death, reinforcing its potential role as a prognostic indicator. (i) Patients with disease progression exhibit significantly increased TMUB1 expression in their glioma tissues, suggesting its involvement in glioma advancement. Data was statistically analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. ; .