Research Article

Mathematical Modeling of Giardiasis Transmission Dynamics with Control Strategies in the Presence of Carriers

Table 1

Parameter descriptions of the model system (2).


Recruitment rate of human
Warning rate of removed individuals
The rate of transmission between susceptible and infected humans
The rate of transmission among asymptomatic and susceptible human beings
Transmission rate between the environment and the susceptible human
Half saturation constant in the environment
Incubation period of pathogens in human
Natural death rate of human
Probability of becoming infectious to giardiasis
Progression rate of asymptomatic individuals to infectious state/screening rate
Natural recovery rate of asymptomatic human
Progression rate of infected to asymptomatic stage in human
Dearth of infected human due to giardiasis
Natural recovery rate of infected human
Dearth rate of asymptomatic human due to giardiasis
Shedding rate of Giardia by the infected human into the environment
Shedding rate of Giardia by the asymptomatic human into the environment
Death rate of the pathogens from the environment
Treatment rate of the infectious individuals
Sanitation rate of the environment