Research Article

Multi-Controller Placement Optimization Using Naked Mole-Rat Algorithm over Software-Defined Networking Environment

Algorithm 1

Naked mole-rat controller placement problem.
Input:, , Latitude & longitude, number of controllers, the shortest distance between each nodes
Output: (Optimized Cost), , best value of minimized latency, latitude and longitude of the controllers, switch-to-controller mapping relationship
//total number of switches
total number of NMR population
the breeding probability of the breeder NMR
//population size of the breeder NMR
for  = 1 to do
end for
Optimization() /include function optimization/
Function Optimization() / To be included in Algorithm 1/
  sort NMRs according to fitness in ascending order
   //mapping of controller and switches
  for  = 1 to do
    update position using:
    // refers to random (0, 1)
    if latency of then
     update the new position to
    end if
   end if
  end for
  for =  + 1 to do
   update position using:
   // is the levy flight step
   if latency of then
    update the new position of:
   end if
   end for
  end while