Research Article

Improving Genetic Algorithm with Fine-Tuned Crossover and Scaled Architecture

Algorithm 1

mtDNA pseudocode and algorithm.
() Initialization
Assign mtDNA attribute to each population member
If  population = initial
   then   unique value
If  population = offspring of crossover
   then   of female (2nd parent)
() for   to Maximum Iterations
  (a) Selection
 Check mtDNA attributes of crossover pairs at (total iteration mod 100)  < iterations, where
If  parent 1 mtDNA = parent 2 mtDNA
   then  abort crossover  &  find another pair
If  parent 1 mtDNA ≠ parent 2 mtDNA
   then  allow crossover
Reset  mtDNA attribute of all members to unique values after iterations.
    , where = total population
  (b) Crossover  &  mtDNA transfer
 Children’s of the female parent