Research Article

Treatment for Osteoporosis among Women in Japan: Associations with Patient Characteristics and Patient-Reported Outcomes in the 2008–2011 Japan National Health and Wellness Surveys

Table 4

Unadjusted mean outcomes according to type of osteoporosis treatment.

RaloxifeneBisphosphonatesActive vitamin D3 alone Calcitonin alone value1
() ()()()

HRQoL (SF-12v2)
 Health utility score (SF-6D)0.7450.1390.7180.1410.7030.1510.7560.1350.163
Activity impairment (%)28.9127.2632.3829.1534.5029.0831.0928.850.788
6-month healthcare use
 Physician visits10.598.4815.4116.7617.2019.1612.5714.470.130
 ER visits0.090.350.322.060.371.630.150.510.796

1One-way ANOVA; HRQoL: health-related quality of life; MCS: mental component summary; PCS: physical component summary; ER: emergency room.