Research Article

Treatment for Osteoporosis among Women in Japan: Associations with Patient Characteristics and Patient-Reported Outcomes in the 2008–2011 Japan National Health and Wellness Surveys

Table 5

Regression-adjusted mean outcomes according to type of osteoporosis treatment.

RaloxifeneBisphosphonates Active vitamin D3 aloneCalcitonin alone value1
Adjusted meanSEAdjusted meanSEAdjusted meanSEAdjusted meanSE

Activity impairment (%)30.74.433.72.834.74.932.64.80.911
6-month healthcare use
 Physician visits11.91.816.51.418.32.514.62.20.102
 ER visits0.

1Wald chi-square for treatment group; HRQoL: health-related quality of life; MCS: mental component summary; PCS: physical component summary; ER: emergency room.