Research Article

For and against Organ Donation and Transplantation: Intricate Facilitators and Barriers in Organ Donation Perceived by German Nurses and Doctors

Table 6

Correlations between the tested factors.

ODT arguments to be communicated to relatives Own perception of ODT barriersPutative ODT barriers of relativesStress barriers: medical reasonsEthical barriers to ODT
Personal ethical facilitatorsConcrete altruistic effectsTranscendent barriersImmanent barriersTranscendent barriersImmanent barriers

ODT arguments to be communicated to relatives
Personal ethical facilitators1,000,463−,029,142,054,223−,003.012
Concrete altruistic effects1,000−,131,059,003,219 ,015−,013

Putative own ODT barriers
Transcendent barriers: protection of the soul 1,000,512,376,151−,091−,025
Immanent barriers: affection of the physical body 1,000,193,487−,148−,004

Putative ODT barriers of relatives
Transcendent barriers: protection of the soul 1,000,381−,023,117
Immanent barriers: affection of the physical body 1,000−,110,166

Stress barriers: medical reasons.010

(Spearman rho).