Research Article

Living-Donor Liver Transplant in Oman: A Quantitative Cross-Sectional Study of Donors’ Experiences and Challenges

Table 3

Preparation domain of donors in correlation with age and gender.

QuestionResponseTotal (%)Age (P value)Gender (P value)

You had sufficient information about donation before starting donation assessmentAgree37 (74%)0.2470.111
Neutral10 (20%)
Disagree3 (6%)

The transplant team prepared me well in terms of education about organ donationAgree41 (82%)0.0340.246
Neutral8 (16%)
Disagree1 (2%)

The transplant team prepared me well in terms of pain I will encounter after surgeryAgree40 (80%)0.0870.093
Neutral5 (10%)
Disagree5 (10%)

I was informed about recovery after surgeryAgree38 (76%)0.5200.664
Neutral6 (12%)
Disagree6 (12%)

How well do you feel the transplant team prepared you for a potential complication?Not at all3 (6%)0.0190.748
Minimally7 (14%)
Quit a lot12 (24%)
Extremely8 (16%)