Research Article

NMDA Receptor-Dependent Metaplasticity by High-Frequency Magnetic Stimulation

Figure 2

(a) Sample traces (interstimulus interval 40 ms) at increasing stimulation strengths (50–250 μA) of naive (A1) and HFMS-primed slices (A2). Note the difference in amplitude between both representative recordings. (B1) Input-output curve of naive and HFMS-primed slices were significantly different. (B2) The paired-pulse ratio dropped significantly with increasing stimulation strength but was not different between naive and HFMS-primed slices. (C1) Sample traces of paired-pulse recordings at increasing interstimulus intervals (20–500 ms), obtained by stimulation strength adjusted to yield 45% of maximal fEPSP amplitude. (C2) The paired-pulse ratio is a function of stimulation intensity. The stimulation strength was adjusted to achieve 25%, 45%, 65%, or 85% of the maximal fEPSP amplitude.