Research Article

Altered Effective Connectivity of the Primary Motor Cortex in Transient Ischemic Attack

Table 2

The differences of GCA with left M1 as ROI between the TIA and HC groups.

Anatomical labelBANumber of voxelsPeak MNI coordinates () value

Precentral_R47457, −12, 454.43
Parietal_Inf_R405948, −48, 484.31
Postcentral_L4347−57, −9, 304.10
Cerebellum_6_L1843−15, −75, −184.07
Frontal_Mid_L1057−24, 51, 94.04
Frontal_Sup_L945−9, 54, 333.90
Parietal_Inf_L7106−33, −69, 453.83
Frontal_Mid_R444739, 21, 363.67
Parietal_Inf_L4048−51, −48, 513.44
Angular_R394742, −60, 453.04
Cerebellum_8_LNA38−18, −45, −392.91
Fusiform_L3742−21, −42, −18−3.21
Insula_R487633, 21, 12−3.73

Rolandic_Oper_L4874−39, −12, 15−3.58
Temporal_Pole_Mid_R209648, 12, −42−3.59
Cerebellum_8_RNA6512, −66, −33−3.62
Precuneus_L568−9, −45, 78−3.82
Frontal_Mid_Orb_R1126527, 42, −18−3.83
Supp_Motor_Area_R61386, 12, 54−3.87
Cerebellum_8_RNA7415, −66, −54−3.96
Occipital_Sup_R1932121, −87, 36−4.10
Frontal_Inf_Oper_R486363, 12, 0−4.29

Precentral_R: right precentral gyrus; Parietal_Inf_R: right inferior parietal gyrus; Postcentral_L: left postcentral gyrus; Cerebellum_6_L: left superior cerebellum; Frontal_Mid_L: left middle frontal gyrus; Frontal_Sup_L: left superior frontal gyrus; Parietal_Inf_L: left inferior parietal gyrus; Frontal_Mid_R: right middle frontal gyrus; Angular_R: right angular gyrus; Cerebellum_8_L: left inferior cerebellum; Fusiform_L: left fusiform; Insula_R: right insula; Rolandic_Oper_L: left Rolandic operculum; Temporal_Pole_Mid_R: temporal pole of the right middle temporal gyrus; Cerebellum_8_R: right inferior cerebellum; Precuneus_L: left precuneus; Frontal_Mid_Orb_R: orbital part of the right middle frontal gyrus; Supp_Motor_Area_R: right supplementary motor area; Occipital_Sup_R: right superior occipital gyrus; Frontal_Inf_Oper_R: opercular part of the right inferior frontal gyrus; BA: Brodmann area; MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; NA: not available.