Research Article

Altered Effective Connectivity of the Primary Motor Cortex in Transient Ischemic Attack

Table 3

The differences of GCA with the right M1 as ROI between the TIA and HC groups.

Anatomical labelBANumber of voxelsPeak MNI coordinates () value

Temporal_Sup_R2235160, −51, 184.39
Precentral_R65548, 0, 453.77
Frontal_Sup_R95824, 39, 363.76
Frontal_Inf_Oper_R445139, 18, 333.04
Frontal_Mid_L4640−39, 48, 27−3.18
Rolandic_Oper_L2086−30, −18, −3−3.73
Thalamus_LNA64−6, −6, 3−3.85
Lingual_R185524, −96, −18−4.32

Temporal_Sup_R2123151, −21, −34.02
Fusiform_R207642, −24, −333.88
Insula_L48101−36, 9, −12−3.44
Temporal_Sup_L42104−60, −36, 12−3.53
Frontal_Sup_Medial_L10389−3, 63, 3−4.02
Occipital_Mid_L19389−48, −81, −6−4.11
Parietal_Inf_L40463−36, −48, 51−4.43
Calcarine_R174116, −66, 12−4.46

Temporal_Sup_R: right superior temporal gyrus; Precentral_R: right precentral gyrus; Frontal_Sup_R: right superior frontal gyrus; Frontal_Inf_Oper_R: opercular part of the right inferior frontal gyrus; Frontal_Mid_L: left middle frontal gyrus; Rolandic_Oper_L: left Rolandic operculum; Thalamus_L: left thalamus; Lingual_R: right lingual gyrus; Fusiform_R: right fusiform; Insula_L: left insula; Temporal_Sup_L: left superior temporal gyrus; Frontal_Sup_Medial_L: left medial superior frontal gyrus; Occipital_Mid_L: left middle occipital gyrus; Parietal_Inf_L: left inferior parietal gyrus; Calcarine_R: right calcarine; BA: Brodmann area; MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; NA: not available.