Research Article

The Effect of Swallowing Action Observation Therapy on Resting fMRI in Stroke Patients with Dysphagia

Table 6

The correlation between the change rate of regional brain index (mfALFF) and swallowing function score in stroke patients before and after treatment.

Brain area-value valueSignificant

Temporal_Inf_R (60 -21 -30)0.6830.0205
Calcarine_L (-9 -87 6)-0.44670.1684ns
Thalamus_L (-6 -15 12)0.41120.209ns
Cerebellum_7b_L (-24 -75 -54)-0.15970.6391ns
Temporal_Inf_L (-33 -9 -45)0.12280.7191ns
Calcarine_L (-12 -87 9)-0.2990.3718ns
Frontal_Mid_R (42 30 45)0.17950.5974ns

There was a correlation between the change rate of mfALFF and the change rate of swallowing function score; ns: there was no significant correlation between the change rate of mfALFF and the change rate of swallowing function score.