Research Article

The Helplessness Dimension of Pain Catastrophizing Mediates the Relation between PTSD Symptoms and Pain Rehabilitation Measures

Table 2

Clinical characteristics (N = 491).

VariableN (%) or M ± SD

Primary pain site
 Fibromyalgia138 (28.1%)
 Low back pain94 (19.1%)
 Headache pain73 (14.9%)
 Generalized pain62 (12.6%)
 Lower extremity32 (6.5%)
 Neck25 (5.1%)
 Upper extremity23 (4.7%)
 Abdominal23 (4.7%)
 Facial8 (1.6%)
 Pelvic/perineal/genital8 (1.6%)
 Chest wall5 (1.0%)
Pain duration (years)12.21 ± 11.02
PTSD symptom severity (PCL-5)25.19 ± 18.09
Pain catastrophizing (PCS) total26.67 ± 11.89
 Rumination subscale9.53 ± 4.27
 Magnification subscale4.66 ± 3.00
 Helplessness subscale12.48 ± 5.75
 Depressed mood (PHQ-9)13.21 ± 5.87
Pain severity (WHYMPI – PS)4.38 ± .94
Pain interference (WHYMPI – PI)4.70 ± 1.01
Physical health-related quality of life (SF-36 physical health summary)29.58 ± 15.43
Mental health-related quality of life (SF-36 mental health summary)31.62 ± 18.55