Research Article

Sex-Related Effects of Adrenergic Drugs on Conditioned Pain Modulation: A Randomized Controlled Cross-Over Double-Blind Trial

Table 1

Physiological and psychological characteristics of the participants.

VariablesMenWoment values from Student’s T-test value from Student’s T-test

Age (years)30.5 ± 1.326.5 ± 1.12.3370.014
Height (cm)181.0 ± 1.7164.1 ± 1.67.258<0.001
Weight (kg)83.0 ± 2.765.9 ± 3.24.005<0.001
Trait anxiety (STAI) (range 0–80)6.6 ± 1.411.1 ± 1.7−2.0700.024
Beck depression inventory (range 0–63)1.1 ± 0.42.8 ± 1.1−1.4200.083
Pain catastrophizing scale (range 0–52)5.4 ± 1.28.8 ± 1.7−1.6520.055

Data are presented in mean ± SEM. SEM, standard error of the mean; STAI, state and trait anxiety inventory.