Research Article

Can Ultrasound-Guided Continuous Paravertebral Block Reduce the Incidence of Chronic Postsurgical Pain in Patients with Thoracoscopic Lung Cancer Surgery? A Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 3

Barthel Activity of Daily Living (ADL) score at postoperative days 1–7.

CPVB (n = 40)CWI (n = 40) value

The Barthel ADL scores
 1st day75.00 (65.00–80.00)67.50 (60.00–70.00)0.002
 2nd day90.00 (80.00–95.00)75.00 (70.00–90.00)<0.001
 3rd day95.00 (90.00–95.00)90.00 (85.00–95.00)0.005
 7th day95.00 (95.00–100.00)95.00 (95.00–100.00)0.379

Categorical variables are presented as n (%). CPVB, continuous paravertebral block; CWI, continuous wound infiltration; ADL, activities of daily living.