Research Article

The Societal Benefits and Costs of School Dropout Recovery

Table 4

Costs of OFY/OFL Dropout recovery, 2006-2007; Total and average costs Per HS graduate.

Total program expenditures, 2006-2007$58,800,000

Induced costs of educating students who return to public schools to graduate:
Student status Projected N of induced graduates  Induced cost of postsecondary education (1)
Graduated 769  $4,614,000
Returned to schoolN years from recovery to graduation Induced cost of finishing high school per studentTotal cost of high school completion after return to school
 Entered with no credits1293.7 $27,661$3,568,295$774,000
 Entered with credits982.3 $17,195$1,685,090$588,000
 Sub-total ret. To Sch.227  $5,253,385$5,976,000$11,229,385
Total graduates996  

Total costs of recovery of 996 dropouts$70,029,385

Average cost per graduate: (I.E. per recovered dropout)$70,311

(1) Induced costs of postsecondary education use estimates of probabilities of attending different types of college experiences for a potential dropout population, per Levin et al. [1, pages 5 and 6]; these estimates assume that 75 percent of new graduates will attend one semester or less of 2-year college, one in six new graduates will obtain a 2-year degree or attend some 4-year college, and one student in twelve will earn a 4-year college degree. We employ estimates of 2007-2009 public expenditures for 2 and 4-year public colleges in California.