Research Article

A Study on the Relationship between English Reading Comprehension and English Vocabulary Knowledge

Table 3

Summary of descriptive statistics ( = 124).

VariableMaximum possible scoreM (%)SDObtained score range (%)

RC3223.60 (74%)3.4214 (44%)–32 (100%)
VS6052.62 (88%)5.4535 (58%)–60 (100%)
AK160105.03 (66%)16.5273 (46%)–151 (94%)
CK16093.47 (58%)14.5358 (36%)–146 (91%)
MK6955.31 (80%)5.1142 (61%)–65 (94%)
 SYN2723.16 (86%)3.4311 (41%)–27 (100%)
 REL4232.15 (77%)3.0025 (60%)–39 (93%)

Note. RC = reading comprehension operationally defined by the total score of the CPET.
VS = vocabulary size operationally defined by the total score of the VLS.
AK = word association knowledge operationally defined by the total score of the DVK association items.
CK = collocation knowledge operationally defined by the total score of the DVK collocation items.
MK = morphological knowledge operationally defined by the total score on the MST, including two subtests: Syncat-real test and Relational test.
SYN = the total score of the Syncat-real test.
REL = the total score of the Relational test.
MO = motivation operationally defined by the total score of the LLOS.
SE = self-efficacy operationally defined by the total score of the MSLQ.
The number in each of the parentheses refers to the mean percentage correct score for the reading comprehension test and each of the vocabulary tests.