Research Article

Self-Efficacy, Learner Satisfaction, and Associated Factors of Simulation Based Education among Midwifery Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 4

Logistic regression analysis of variables with satisfaction on simulation based teaching.

Variables Self-confidence on simulation teachingCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)
Confident Less confident

Profession selection
 1st choice 58 (55.2%)47 (44.8%)2.644 (0.996, 7.019)
 Was not 1st choice 8 (47.1%)9 (52.9%)1.905 (0.515, 7.048)
 Do not have interest 7 (31.8%)15 (68.2%)1
Skill practicing/semester
 <2 practices30 (42.3%)41 (57.7%)1
 ≥2 practices43 (58.9%)30 (41.1%)1.959 (1.010, 3.800)
Perceived level of teacher’s assistance on skill teaching
 Good 60 (63.8%)34 (36.2%)5.023 (2.351, 10.73)2.897 (1.255, 6.687)
 Not good 13 (26.0%)37 (74.0%)11
Satisfaction on simulation teaching
 Less satisfied 17 (25.8%)49 (74.2%)11
 Satisfied 56 (71.8%)22 (28.2%)7.337 (3.501, 15.38)5.31 (2.434, 11.58)

value < 0.001; variables did not show statistically significant association.