Research Article

Immersion in Computer Games: The Role of Spatial Presence and Flow

Table 2

Presence and flow: principal axis factoring*.

A prior classificationItem

When the game ended, I felt like I came back to the “real world” after a journey..003.819
The computer game came to me and created a new world for me, and the world suddenly disappeared when the game ended.−.003.733
During the game, I felt I was in the virtual environment..132.751
PresenceDuring the game, my body was in the room, but my mind was inside the world created by the computer..281.372
During the game, the computer-generated world was more real or present for me compared to the “real world.”.373.629
During the game, I NEVER forgot that I was in the middle of an experiment. (inverse coded)−.007.329
The computer-generated world seemed to me only “something I saw” rather than “somewhere I visited.” (inverse coded).030.367
During the game, my mind was in the room, not in the world created by the computer. (inverse coded).090.329

I knew what I had to do each step of the way..301.190
The right thoughts/movements occurred of their own accord..766.000
I felt that I had everything under control..574.210
I had no difficulty concentrating..465−.104
FlowMy mind was completely clear..644−.034
My thoughts/activities were running fluidly and smoothly..647.248
I was totally absorbed in what I was doing..743.215
I felt just the right amount of challenge..609.089
I was completely lost in thought..599.022
I did not notice the time passing..603.364

% of variance explained22.016.7

*Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalisation.
Note: values less than 0.4 are suppressed.