Research Article

Development of Embedded CAPTCHA Elements for Bot Prevention in Fischer Random Chess

Table 1

Feedback form embedded non-interactive CAPTCHA for Fischer Random Chess. Adjust the distortion to desired level. Try playing the game for at least 5–10 minutes. Feedback form used to gather information about the difficulty of the CAPTCHA tests.

What level of distortion was applied?
(e.g., 17% or trackbar tick number 2)

Your gender□ Male□ Female
Your age
Chess skill (beginner, intermediate, advanced)□ Beginner□ Intermediate□ Advanced
How many times have you played online chess?□ 0□<10□>10
How recently have you played online chess?□ Less than a month ago□ 1–6 months ago□>6 months ago
On a scale of 1–10, with 10 being very difficult, how difficult was it to recognize pieces after distortion?
Approximately how long did it take to get used to the look of the distorted pieces?□ Less than 3 moves□ 4–7 moves□>8 moves
Have you ever played Fischer Random Chess?□ Yes□ No