Research Article

Mining Experiential Patterns from Game-Logs of Board Game

Algorithm 2

Procedure   SequenceTreeCreation
Input: sequencesD, the data table of PiecesStateSequence in database.
Output: root, the root node of the sequence-tree.
() let  stateIds save the ids of PiecesState;
() root = new Node(value = 0, branches = null);
() for   = 0 to   sequencesD.length − 1 do
() stateIds = sequencesD[].sequenceStr.split(“:”);
() //Eliminate redundant pieces-state of stateIds.
() for = stateIds.length − 1 to 2 do
()  for =  − 2 to 0 by 2 do
()   if   stateIds[] ==stateIds[]then
()    stateIds.delete( + 1, );
()     = ;
()   endif
()  endfor
() endfor
() node = root;
() for   = 1 to   stateIds.length − 1 do
()  if   node.value == 0 then
()   node.value = ;
()  endif
()  isFound = false;
()  if   node.branches != null then
()   for = 0 to   node.branches.length − 1 do
()    if   node.branches[].next.value == then
()     node.branches[].weight += (stateIds[]/);
()     node = node.branches[].next;
()     isFound = true;
()     break;
()    endif
()   endfor
()  endif
()  if   isFound == false then
()   branch = new Branch(
()    weight = stateIds[]/,
()    next = new Node(value = , branches = null)
()   );
()   node.branches.add(branch);
()   node = node.branches[node.branches.length − 1].next;
()  endif
()  //Merge the nodes of same values.
()  BranchShifting(root, node);
() endfor
() endfor
() return   root;