Research Article

Mining Experiential Patterns from Game-Logs of Board Game

Table 1

Attributes of the PiecesState.

Attribute nameDescriptionData typeRestrictions

IDThe ID of pieces-state.Big integerUnique, nonnull
SAS_0The coordinate of the first piece in active side.CoordinateNonnull
SAS_1The coordinate of the second piece in active side.CoordinateNonnull
SAS_9The coordinate of the tenth piece in active side.CoordinateNonnull
SPS_0The coordinate of the first piece in passive side.CoordinateNonnull
SPS_1The coordinate of the second piece in passive side.CoordinateNonnull
SPS_9The coordinate of the tenth piece in passive side.CoordinateNonnull
CountThe times this pieces-state appeared in victor games.Big integerNonnull