Research Article

Factors Affecting the Presence of Adequately Iodized Salt at Home in Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia: Community Based Study

Table 4

Sociodemographic and practices factors associated with the presence of adequately iodized salt at home in binary logistic regression, Wolaita Sodo town and its peripheries, Southern Ethiopia 2016.

Variables () Titration result of the saltCOR value
≥15 ppm<15 ppm
No (%)No (%)

Place of residence
 Urban29 (17.5)30 (11)1.37 (1.02–1.83)
 Rural137 (82.5)244 (89)10.052
Educational status
 No formal education83 (50.0)189 (69.0)1
 Formal education83 (50.0)85 (31.0)2.22 (1.49–3.31)<0.001
Family size
 ≤5100 (60.2)158 (57.7)1
 >566 (39.8)116 (42.3)1.07 (0.84–1.38)0.59
Religion of respondents
 Protestant103 (62.0)160 (58.4)1
 Orthodox54 (32.5)94 (34.3)1.43 (0.63–3.26)0.64
 Others9 (5.4)20 (7.3)1.28 (0.54–3.00)
 Housewife120 (72.3)199 (72.6)0.72 (0.30–1.72)
 Employed36 (21.7)63 (23.0)0.69 (0.27–1.74)
 Unemployed10 (6.0)12 (4.4)10.72
Age of respondents
 <25 years25 (15.1)59 (21.5)0.61 (0.23–1.61)
 25–34 years94 (56.6)140 (51.1)0.97 (0.41–2.36)
 35–44 years38 (22.9)62 (22.6)0.88 (0.34–2.27)0.39
 ≥45 years9 (5.4)13 (4.7)1
Income of the respondents
 ≤600 ETB72 (43.8)179 (65.3)1
 601 = 1200 ETB52 (31.3)74 (27.0)1.75 (1.12–2.73)
 ≥1201 ETB42 (25.3)21 (7.7)4.97 (2.75–8.98)<0.001
Type of salt bought
 Packaged20 (41)29 (59)0.86 (0.47–1.58)0.63
 Bulk146 (37)245 (63)1.00
Types of salt storage used
 Storage with cover/salt bag149 (39)237 (61)0.73 (0.4–1.34)0.31
 Storage without cover17 (31)37 (68.5)1.00
Exposed salt to sun light
 Yes19 (17)95 (83)1.00<0.001
 No147 (45)179 (55)2.7 (1.76–4.15)
How often do you buy salt
 Once in a month33 (36)58 (64)
 Once in a week133 (38)216 (62)1.08 (0.67–1.75)0.75
Place of salt storage
 Dry place141 (85)241 (88)1.3 (0.74–2.27)0.36
 Moisture/fire area25 (15)33 (12)1.00

ppm: parts per million, COR: crude odds ratio, AOR: adjusted odds ratio, and ETB: Ethiopian Birr.