Research Article

Study of Viability, Storage Stability, and Shelf Life of Probiotic Instant Coffee Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Subsp. plantarum Dad-13 in Vacuum and Nonvacuum Packaging at Different Storage Temperatures

Table 1

Shelf life of probiotic instant coffee.

Temperature (°C)Treatmentln no.ln Ntts

4KP10.00827325.1226419.11383726.29522 years, 6 days
KP20.00913925.1226414.50866657.46861 year, 8 months
30KP10.06308725.1226419.1138395.245863 months, 5 days
KP20.06977825.1226414.5086686.113222 months, 26 days
37KP10.10284725.1226419.1138358.424971 month, 28 days
KP20.11378825.1226414.5086652.807151 month, 22 days

KP1: vacuum-packaged probiotic instant coffee, KP2: probiotic instant coffee nonvacuum packaging, k: 1/T (storage temperature), ln no.: the number of probiotic cells on day 0, ln Nt: a critical limit of total probiotic cells, and ts: shelf life (days).