Research Article

Life History Tactics in Cohorts of a Partial Migratory Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Population

Figure 2

Changes in body mass over time (g ± 1 SE) of different brown trout groups belonging to three different cohorts (Cohort (a), Cohort (b), and Cohort (c)); (1) males maturing in 2001 (Mmales 2001, grey squares), 2002 (Mmales 2002, white squares), and 2003 (Mmales 2003, black squares), (2) individuals migrating in 2002 (Migrants 2002, white circles) and 2003 (Migrants 2003, black circles), and (3) females and immature males (diamonds) in Greåna River from September 2001 to October 2003. Where no SE is shown, the height of the point is >SE. Data points within the sampling months have been moved horizontally to improve readability of the figure. Note that the Y-axis differs in scale between the three different panels. See Table 1 for statistics.