Research Article

Advanced Glycation End Products Increase MDM2 Expression via Transcription Factor KLF5

Figure 2

AGEs promote expression of MDM2, degradation of p53 and Rb degradation, and phosphorylation of Rb. (a) Cells were treated with AGEs (50 μg/ml) for indicated times; MDM2, p-Rb, Rb, and p53 were quantified by Western blot analysis, which showed that the expression level of MDM2 was increased and the level of RB as well as p53 was decreased. Phosphorylation of Rb was increased. (b) Cells were treated with BSA-AGEs (50 μg/ml) for indicated times, anti-MDM2 antibody was used for immunoprecipitation, and anti-Rb antibody was used for Western blot analysis, which showed the binding between MDM2 and Rb. Every experiment was repeated at least three times. (c–f) The bands of MDM2 (c), pRb (d), Rb (e), and total p53 (f) in Figure 2(a) were quantified using ImageJ. (g) The band of Rb in Figure 2(b) was quantified using ImageJ. Every experiment was repeated at least three times. Asterisks denote significant difference amongst experimental groups. and .