Journal of Function Spaces
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate12%
Submission to final decision115 days
Acceptance to publication20 days
Journal Citation Indicator1.430
Impact Factor1.9

Common Fixed Point Theorems on -Metric Spaces for Integral Type Contractions Involving Rational Terms and Application to Fractional Integral Equation

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Journal of Function Spaces publishes research on all aspects of function spaces, functional analysis, and their employment across other mathematical disciplines.

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Chief Editor, Dr Ragusa, is a full professor of mathematical analysis at University of Catania, Italy. Her research interests include partial differential equations and real analysis.

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Simple Proofs for Bochner-Schoenberg-Eberlein and the Bochner-Schoenberg-Eberlein Module Properties on

Let be a nonempty set, be a commutative Banach algebra, and . In this paper, we present a concise proof for the result concerning the BSE (Banach space extension) property of . Specifically, we establish that possesses the BSE property if and only if is finite and is BSE. Additionally, we investigate the BSE module property on Banach -modules and demonstrate that a Banach space serves as a BSE Banach -module if and only if is finite and represents a BSE Banach -module.

Research Article

An Algebraic Approach of Topological Indices Connected with Finite Quasigroups

In mathematical chemistry, the algebraic polynomial serves as essential for calculating the most accurate expressions of distance-based, degree-distance-based, and degree-based topological indices. The chemical reactivity of molecules, which includes their tendency to engage in particular chemical processes or go through particular reactions, can be predicted using topological indices. Considerable effort has been put into examining the many topological descriptors of simple graphs using ring structures and well-known groups instead of nonassociative algebras, quasigroups, and loops. Both finite quasigroups and loops are the generalizations of groups. In this article, we calculate topological descriptors and some well-known polynomials, -polynomial, Hosoya’s polynomial, Schultz’s polynomial, and modified Schultz polynomial of finite relatively prime graphs of most orders connected with two classes of quasigroups and go through their graphical aspects.

Research Article

Scalability of Generalized Frames for Operators

In this paper, the Parseval --frames are constructed from a given --frame by scaling the elements of the --frame with the help of diagonal operators, and these frames are named scalable --frames. Also, we prove some properties of scalable --frames and construct new scalable --frames from a given --frame. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a --frame to be scalable are given. Further, equivalent conditions for the scalability of --frames and the -frames induced by --frames are obtained. Finally, it is shown that the direct sum of two scalable --frames is again a scalable --frame for some suitable bounded linear operator .

Research Article

Relative Uniform Convergence of Sequence of Functions Related to -Spaces Defined by Orlicz Functions

The Orlicz function-defined sequence spaces of functions by relative uniform convergence of sequences related to -absolutely summable spaces are a new concept that is introduced in this article. We look at its various attributes, such as solidity, completeness, and symmetry. We also look at a few insertional connections involving these spaces.

Research Article

A Modified Iterative Approach for Fixed Point Problem in Hadamard Spaces

The role of iterative algorithms is vital in exploring the diverse domains of science and has proven to be a powerful tool for solving complex computational problems in the most trending branches of computer science. Taking motivation from this fact, we develop and apply a modified four-step iterative algorithm to solve the fixed point problem in the Hadamard spaces using a total asymptotic nonexpansive mapping. MATLAB R2018b is used for numerical experiments to ensure a better convergence rate of the proposed iterative algorithm with existing results.

Research Article

Norms of Composition Operators from Weighted Harmonic Bloch Spaces into Weighted Harmonic Zygmund Spaces

This article examines the norms of composition operators from the weighted harmonic Bloch space to the weighted harmonic Zygmund space . The critical norm is on the open unit disk. We first give necessary and sufficient conditions where the composition operator between and is bounded. Secondly, we will study the compactness case of the composition operator between and . Finally, we will estimate the essential norms of the composition operator between and .

Journal of Function Spaces
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate12%
Submission to final decision115 days
Acceptance to publication20 days
Journal Citation Indicator1.430
Impact Factor1.9
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