Research Article

PGE2-Induced IDO1 Inhibits the Capacity of Fully Mature DCs to Elicit an In Vitro Antileukemic Immune Response

Figure 2

IDO1 expression inhibited the stimulatory capacity of mature DCs. (a) DCs matured with the cytokine cocktail without PGE2 (expressing low IDO1) or complete of PGE2 (expressing high IDO1) were used as stimulator of either allogeneic or autologous CD3+ T cells. For the stimulation of autologous CD3+ T cells, DCs were previously pulsed with tetanus toxin. , . Both in the allogeneic (b) and in the autologous (c) setting, the assay was performed either in presence or in absence of the IDO1-specific inhibitor 1-MT-L. The results are expressed as the mean of fold increase of 5 independent experiments ± SEM. , versus medium alone.