Research Article

Stroke Rehabilitation in Frail Elderly with the Robotic Training Device ACRE: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost-Effectiveness Study

Table 5

Mean cost per patient in the ACRE and control group in the first six weeks after randomization.

Cost itemACRE group 𝑁 = 1 0 Control group 𝑁 = 1 4 Difference
Costs (€)Costs (€)Costs (€) 𝑃 value*

Therapist591.74 (346.21)420.08 (208.21)171.670.17
Volunteer11.75 (21.30)2.92 (9.36)8.840.22
ACRE40.64 (13.58)0.75 (2.82)39.890.00
Total costs644.14 (361.01)423.74 (204.75)220.390.09