Research Article

Effect of Feeding Status on Adjuvant Arthritis Severity, Cachexia, and Insulin Sensitivity in Male Lewis Rats

Figure 5

Basal plasma levels of glucose (a) and insulin (b), HOMA index (c), and liver concentrations of triglycerides (d) and cholesterol (e) in healthy controls (CN, SHF, FR) and arthritic rats (AA-N, AA-SHF, AA-FR) on day 18 after cFA inoculation. Results are expressed as means ± SEM. Significant difference between healthy controls on different dietary regime: ×P<.05. Significant differences between control rats and arthritic rats on the same dietary regime: *P<.05, **P<.01, ***P<.001. Other statistical differences: AA-FR versus AA-N #P<.05, ###P<.001; AA-FR versus AA-SHF +P<.05, ++P<.01; AA-SHF versus AA-N P<.01. For abbreviations see Figure 1.