
Tracking control of nonlinear systems with significant delay effects has been the focus of intensive research. In this paper, we propose an effective supervised adaptive control scheme to tackle the problem. The scheme is composed of an adaptive control part of two neuron-like models with delay effects and a supervisory control part to enhance robustness against disturbance and model uncertainties. A design methodology based on the Lyapunov analysis is presented. Experimental results obtained from a practical temperature control system show that not only is the design procedure conceptually simple but also the control performance is also excellent when compared with the traditional PD controller. Also, the feedforward term is able to provide extra improvement in the regulation performance.

1. Introduction

The study of stability and stabilization for time-delay systems has received considerable attention in recent years [14] since delay is a major source of instability in many important engineering systems [5, 6]. For instance, Hopf bifurcation caused by time delay is extensively investigated in [710].

The applicability of neural-network-based techniques in nonlinear control systems has been successively demonstrated in [1113] because of their unique modeling capability and adaptability [14, 15]. However, delay effects are not effectively considered in most of the proposed schemes and modeling error is ignored, which may be a potential source of instability [16]. As neural networks have superior capability in the construction of models of complex nonlinear systems, [1720] use a feed-forward neural network for model-based predictive control. However, only simulation results are demonstrated in most of these researches. Reference [21] also applied an indirectly derived feedforward term in a simulation study, but the approach is based on predictability of disturbances.

In this paper, a particular class of adaptive neural controller is proposed based on a time-delay neural model. Inspired by [22], the model-based adaptation law has two auto-tuning neurons in which both delay effects and feed-forward terms are explicitly included, which are not considered in the original contribution. Robustness and stability conditions are derived in the sense of Lyapunov for the design of the proposed adaptation scheme, and performance of the proposed scheme is demonstrated by experimental results of a temperature control system.

2. Problem Formulation

The plant under control is assumed to be nonlinear with system dynamics being represented as where is the control input, is unknown but bounded disturbance with , and is measurable or predictable disturbance with delay . Furthermore, is the state vector of the nonlinear system with being the state of the system and being its derivatives, and is the delayed state vector with delay ; is the nonlinear system function in , , and . Note that the nonlinear input gain is assumed to be a function in only.

3. Controller Design

Firstly, we define the desired output as and tracking error as . Then we may define and . Suppose that we choose a gain vector such that all roots of are in the open left-half complex plane. The proposed control law is given by where is an adaptive control law and is a supervisory control law which enhances the robustness of the closed-loop system and improves transient performance by keeping system states stay in some prespecified region. The adaptive control law is defined as where and are two neuron-like models: where and , with , , and being positive, are adjustable parameters, is a feed-forward term, and are the corresponding feed-forward gains. In this study, two adaptation laws with projection mapping are defined as follows: where The adaptation law, (4) and (5), is designed to ensure the boundedness of and . Substituting (2) into (1), we have This implies that Let and be a companion form pair; we may rewrite (10) as Now consider a Lyapunov function candidate where which satisfies the Lyapunov equation with being a positive definite symmetric matrix. In the subsequent derivation, we will choose such that

with being the minimum eigenvalue of . Define where is a positive constant and . Note that, if , from (14), we have Hence, if , we have that . Moreover, the derivative of along the trajectories of the closed-loop system (11) satisfies From (16), if there exists a supervisory control law with where , , are boundary functions for and such that and , then we can guarantee that For the following deviation, we define the modeling error where and are the optimal parameters. Then (11) can be rewritten using Taylor series expansions as We have with and being the approximation errors of higher order terms. Now consider another Lyapunov function candidate given by Using (20)–(22), we have

Furthermore, as , , , , and are bounded, and the projection method of the adaptation laws ensures the boundedness of , there exists a boundary function such that

This guarantees that , if . From the two adaptation laws (6) and (7), we obtain that if (24) is satisfied, the system (1) is uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) stable.

4. Experimental Study

Temperature control systems are among the nonlinear systems with significant delay effects.

The proposed control scheme has been implemented on a prototype temperature control system. The system includes a water tank, a water pump, a resistor heater which serves as disturbance, and four thermal couples, as shown in Figure 1. The 40 cm diameter tank is filled with water to a depth of 60 cm, the pump is driven by a 370 W frequency inverter, and the heater is driven by a SSR power IC. The control objective is to maintain the water temperature around the desired value C.

The function and gains of the supervisory control law (17) are given as , , . Moreover, we choose and so that the roots of are in the left-half complex plane. For (11), we have and . Besides, with for (13), we have .

In designing the supervisory control law, we choose for (14) and , , , and for the adaptation laws (6) and (7).

For comparison, three different control schemes were implemented based on similar initial states around and :(1)the PD controller, , which was exhaustively tuned for best tracking performance to be with and ,(2)the proposed control scheme without the feed-forwarded disturbance term . That is, in   (5),(3)the proposed control scheme.

Experimental results, shown in Figure 2, demonstrate that, in the face of disturbances, the output fluctuation was within 30 ± 0.42°C for , within 30 ± 0.25°C for , and within 30 ± 0.15°C using the proposed control scheme. It is clear that the proposed scheme was able to achieve accurate tracking performance in the face of measurable or predictable disturbance. Furthermore, under the condition of immeasurable disturbance, temperature of the adaptively controlled system, the control scheme of , suffered from larger fluctuation but is still better than that of the PD controlled system, demonstrating effectiveness of the adaptation for the nonlinear and delayed temperature control system.

5. Conclusion

We proposed a simple yet effective adaptive neural control scheme for delayed nonlinear systems. Experimental results validate its effectiveness and show that the feed-forward of disturbance, if available, can achieve further improvements. It is clear that the proposed scheme has an excellent regulation performance when compared with PD control law, and the feedforward term can achieve further improvements.


This paper was sponsored in part by Chang Gung University and the National Science Council, Taiwan, under Contract nos. NSC 100-2221-E-182-008 and NSC 101-2221-E-182-006.