Research Article

Ethanol and Acetate Acting as Carbon/Energy Sources Negatively Affect Yeast Chronological Aging

Figure 2

Pyrazole prevents the CLS shortening effect of ethanol. (a) Scheme of metabolic pathways allowing ethanol and acetate utilization. Only relevant reactions are shown. Adh2: alcohol dehydrogenase 2, Icl1: isocitrate lyase 1, Pck1: phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1. At Day 1 after the diauxic shift, pyrazole (50 mM) was added to the expired media of wt (b) and icl1Δ mutant (c) cells. In parallel, aliquots of cells were harvested and subjected to cell-free media swap with or without pyrazole. At every time-point, viability was measured as in Figure 1(c). One representative experiment is shown. Extracellular ethanol (d) and acetate (e) concentrations determined in the wt and icl1Δ cultures at Day 1. Day 0, diauxic shift. Standard deviations are indicated.